Although Google AdWords marketing is a very successful tool which is essential for most online and many offline businesses, it isn’t as good for lawyers and law firms, a lot of people go as far as saying that as a law firm, you shouldn’t waste a cent of your money on AdWords.
Now, this may be true if you have a small marketing budget, but it isn’t always the case. Using AdWords for law firm related keywords can be extremely expensive, with some keywords costing upwards of hundreds of dollars per click. As you can imagine, this sort of cost can quickly drain the budget of a small law firm, which is one of the reasons why law firms should focus on professional SEO (search engine optimisation) instead.
SEO Offers A Much Greater Return On Investment
Although it will take longer to get results when you spend money on SEO instead of AdWords, you will thank yourself in the long term. Working to get your website to the top of the search engine rankings for your chosen keywords might cost you a bit, but you will be able to remain near the top with minimal work once you’re there.
This means that you will continually be getting new clients from your investment in SEO, while an investment in AdWords will only get you a predetermined number of clicks on your ad.